
Author: To be an author on JUST HILL, you have to be a registered user of JUST HILL. Author can write his/her own content by sending an email to

Unique Content: The content of your post has to be unique. This is very important, as it enables internet search engines to distinguish your content as original content (not copied). This will ultimately help in the promotion of your post as well as establishing greater credibility for you as an author.

Word limit: The content of your post should have minimum 100 words. Maximum word limit depends on uniqueness & usefulness of your content. It can be upto 1500 words or more. For new authors, it’s suggested to aim for a low word limit initially, so that there’s less room for confusing readers or losing the story thread as you progress through your content.

Photo/Image: Feel free to submit an image to go along with your content to illustrate it. Please make sure that the image is relevant and clearly links logically to your content. Only submit an image if you are certain that you have full rights to use it, without cost and copyright implications. Image size should be 1Mb or under, ideally. Inappropriate images will be deleted and may result in the article being removed or users being blocked in the future.

Video: If you feel that a video is relevant and clearly links logically to your content, then you can post the YouTube link of that video within your content. Besides, you need to provide a short, written introduction explaining what’s in that video. That should include a title (e.g. ‘Hotel/Homestay surrounding view’ or ’Artistic technique’) as well as a few lines to explain what the purpose of the video is.

Categories: Generally, your content should fit into one or more of the following categories:-

ARTICLE – Scholarly understanding or description of facts, ideas and various topics.
BLOG – Content about your experiences as a Tourist/Host/Artist/Writer.
NEWS – Information about past or upcoming events/webinars/festivals/workshops.
REVIEW – Review of Hotels/Homestays or Event/Festival attended by you.
TESTIMONIAL – Statements of your clients or tourists.
BOOK SUMMARY – Brief interpretation of the main points covered in a book.
INTERVIEW – Excerpts of conversation with Guest/Owner of Hotels or with Artist/Writer.
RESEARCH – Information about past or ongoing research/study/investigation/analysis.
CAREER – Career related guidance and information.
EDUCATION – Educational content for seekers.
INNOVATION – New way of doing traditional practice.
CREATIVITY – Inspirational stories, poems, YouTube link of stage shows/performances.
ART & CULTURE – Art, instruments, music, folk dance, handicrafts, designs, traditions, customs & Culture.
LIFESTYLE – Broader aspects of Pahaadi lifestyle, routine, lifestyle hacks at home, sports, outdoor activities.

Editing: It’s always best to keep your content simple and clear. Make sure you have checked and proof read your content so that there are no spelling/grammar errors, and that it reads well and makes sense to others. If using a complex Sanskrit/Uttarakhandi/Himachali/Nepali term, please ensure you include the English/Hindi version as well in brackets afterwards (only when using the term in the first instance, no need to repeat after that). Similarly, if referring to complex terms or topics, make sure these are explained in plain English/Hindi so that everyone can fully understand your content.

Words selection: Please select your words and phrases cautiously in the manner that is not derogatory and that do not not offend any religion or ethnic group, organization, company, club or association or any individual, or anyone or anything.

Please note: We reserve the right to edit any piece of work that is sent in to us. This is no reflection on the author whatsoever, but sometimes we may need to adjust an article or headline to make it more appealing or engaging to our broader community. The same goes for image or video. If we feel we can illustrate an article in a way that is more suitable for our platform, then we may need to replace/remove images or videos.

Comments: Only registered users of JUST HILL will be able to write comments. Comments will be allowed on all of your posts. Comments help promote the discussion on the topics mentioned in the content of the posts.

Biography: When you add a post, its advisable to add ‘profile photo’ and ‘biography’ in your profile page. This helps readers to know about the author and, more importantly, it helps to spread your name and profile on google & other internet search engines. You can also include links so we can help to promote you, such as your website, Instagram or Facebook pages. As a bare minimum, all posts must include the author’s first name and last name, and up to 20 words of bio about the author.

Sharing: We recommend you to share your posts far and wide on social media after publishing. The more you share your posts across your personal and professional networks (whether that’s Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other platform, including your own website), the more readers will get to see it; and more will be it’s visibility on google & other internet search engines. It’s the best way of promoting your message to the entire world.

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