शुद्ध पहाड़ी
शुद्ध पहाड़ी
Sunderlal Bahuguna was a prominent environmentalist and social activist in India, best known for his role in the Chipko Movement. Here’s a detailed biography of his life: Early Life and Education Sunderlal Bahuguna was born on January 9, 1927, in…
Folk tales of Uttarakhand by Deepa Agarwal Uttarakhand, a northern state of India, is known for its rich culture and traditions, which are reflected in its folk tales and legends. Here are some of the famous folk tales of Uttarakhand:…
पहाड़ तू पहाड़ मैं…गूंज तू दहाड़ मैं… टेढ़ी-मेढ़ी राह मेंकभी अटक कभी भटकचल रहे सरक सरककभी हंसें कभी सिसक मिटाने को तेरा मिथकरहें अडिग रहें अथक सूर्य का प्रताप तूवटवृक्ष की हूॅं आड़ मैं आर तू है पार तूतो तेरे…